Ticket office closures: Share your story

Guide Dogs and RNIB logos.
We only have until 26 July 2023 to make our voices heard on the plans to close most ticket offices at railway stations in England.
Guide Dogs, RNIB and other sight loss charities are coming together to ask you to share your story about how these closures will affect you.
We’re going to put these messages together and share them with the Government to make it clear why we need railways to be accessible for all. You can read more about our concerns on the Guide Dogs blog, and also on the RNIB’s website.
If you’re on social media, we want you to share your story. All you need to do is finish the sentence
“I need a ticket office so I can...”
using the hashtag #INeedATicketOffice including @GuideDogs and @RNIB. The RNIB and Guide Dogs are on Twitter and Facebook. Guide Dogs is @GuideDogsUK on Facebook.
You might want to talk about the practical benefits of how a ticket office helps, such as:
- plan my journey
- make sure I get the right ticket
- get passenger assistance
- know where to get help
Or you could talk about what rail travel lets you do, such as:
- get to work
- visit my family
- meet up with friends
- go to the shops
Feel free to be as creative as you like with images or videos at your station or on a journey. Don’t forget to include alt text with any photos or videos. If you’re not on social media but want us to share your story, please email campaigns@guidedogs.org.uk
Finally, if you haven’t already, please take part in the consultation and feedback your views on the plans for the stations you use.
Note: The consultation deadline has been extended from 26 July 2023 to 1 September 2023.
Updated 26 July 2023.
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