Visionary’s COVID-19 Action Plan – where we are now!
Like all of you, here at Visionary, back in March, we looked at how we were going to work during the pandemic. We published our COVID-19 Action Plan which resulted in all face to face Visionary work ceasing and all staff working from home.
Given the changes in COVID-19 restrictions and increased activity across Visionary members we are now updating you as we have reviewed our action plan. For now, however we are staying as we are! All face to face Visionary work and meetings will be held remotely and the team continue to work from home. If you are interested, our full COVID-19 Action Plan can be read here – Visionary Coronavirus Action Plan 130720. We have also changed our working practices and internal communications and developed a COVID-19 stress risk assessment, all to help ensure we continue to support each other in the most effective way – it can be found here – Stress in the workplace policy and Stress at work – COVID-19 specific assessment. Please feel free to use and or copy it!
Back in March, our move to online sessions and remote telephone-based support was quick – and although it did take hard work form the team and adaptions from you all, we did it! Feedback from members has been overwhelmingly positive about the change in our focus and we hear that you all continue to value our online sessions. From all of the Visionary team, thank you so much for your support and enthusiastic approach to embracing our changed way of doing things. We regularly review the effectiveness and impact of our work, so please always know that your views and opinions matter to us. We do want to make things better and easier for you, and we depend on you to tell us how to do that.
We are however missing each other and all of you lovely people so much. I know that we will all also miss being together at our conference this year but I really hope that you will come along to our virtual annual conference on 19 and 20 November 2020.
If and when our situation changes, we will of course let you know. In the meantime, thank you for being so supportive of Visionary!
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