Visionary Latest
Welcome to your weekly briefing. This week are again hosting a range of follow up and brand new online sessions for you and your staff to ensure we continue to provide the best possible support we can during this time. We also wanted to take the opportunity this National Volunteers’ Week to say a big thank-you to all the other volunteers out there (including our fab Trustees) whose commitment means that local sight loss charities can continue to do the amazing work you do!
Welcoming Tayyaba Kamal
We are so pleased to share that this week we have welcomed Tayyaba Kamal to the Visionary Team. Tayyaba joins us as Communications & Events Administrator – working to ensure we continue to share information and knowledge with you all and assisting with Visionary meetings, support and training sessions. Tayyaba joins us from Vision UK where many of you may know her from and I’m sure you will all join us in welcoming her to the wonderful Visionary network!
Benefits for Visionary Members
Advice and support
We can provide immediate advice and support via our Telephone Helpdesk on 020 8090 9264 or email.
Online resources
We are continuing to build on our online resources found in both our general knowledge hub and specific COVID-19 knowledge hub. Please note, following membership renewal, these will again only be available to Visionary members – accessed by logging in to our site.
Online support sessions
Since COVID-19 started Visionary has funded a free phone facility for anyone dialling in to our online sessions from a landline or mobile. From 22 June 2020 this free phone facility will end so if you dial in via phone after this you will be charged your national call rate. The vast majority of people connect online via a computer/smart device and we would encourage you to download and use the GoToMeeting app to connect in to sessions. Connecting online is free, though if using your phones data connection you could incur charges.
Thursday 4 June 2020 at 2pm
Care Home Forum
To join, click here or use the dial in details below
We know that a number of you operate care home provision, many of which have been hit hard by COVID-19. This forum is an opportunity for members to meet and share with each other how they have coped and discuss the successes and challenges you are facing.
Friday 5 June 2020 at 10am
Member Finance planning session
To join, click here or use the dial in details below
An opportunity for those involved in the management/oversight of your organisation’s finances to meet, share and discuss approaches to effective financial management practices. This isn’t about income generation, but about how people actually do things. Several members have requested such a forum.
Tuesday 9 June at 10am (and every Tuesday at 10am!!)
CEO weekly support session
To join, click here or use the dial in details below.
Our regular session for CEOs – no agenda, just an opportunity to share experiences, talk about what is working and find some peer support with what isn’t working so well.
Thursday 11 June at 10am
Overcoming obstacles to returning to the workplace post COVID-19 lockdown
As members look at re-opening offices and services with the ease of restrictions, a range of obstacles are presenting themselves. This interactive session, supported by Galloways trustee and Health and Safety expert Carl Harrison, will be a safe confidential space for Visionary members to discuss issues. Please do come with your questions, individual scenarios and barriers and be prepared to share. You can submit queries in advance here or let us know if you’d prefer us to raise issues/queries anonymously on your behalf. This session compliments a previous session held last week. You may also find resources in our COVID-19 Knowledge Hub useful if you are considering re-opening your office and services.
Friday 12 June at 10am
Cyber and Data Security
To join, click here or use the dial in details below.
With many people now working from home, accessing systems remotely and often using their own devices for work, people are rightly concerned about cyber and data security. This session, led by Roger Burgess of Scoria Tech, will help you identify your key risk areas and what steps you can take to ensure you remain secure and compliant. If you have any specific areas of concern or would like to ensure specific issues are addressed then contact us in advance here let us know if you’d prefer us to raise issues/queries anonymously upon your behalf. In the meantime we are developing guidance and resources which will be available here.
To join any sessions by phone call:
(Toll Free): 0800 169 0432
Access Code: 780-863-517
If you missed any of our previous sessions
Delivering Children and Young People Services – 29 May 2020
Hosted by Clare Sweeney, Senior Development Worker from Visibility Scotland 22 people joined this session to talk about services provided locally for children and young people. The majority who attended have moved their interactions online and host regular meetings via Zoom and WhatsApp. This is on the whole really popular. We talked however about digital inequality as not all families have access to the internet and sadly, many young people have no or limited access to technology. Also, many are using technology that does not meet their accessibility needs.
People felt the Ideas Machine created and presented by Gwyn McCormack from Positive Eye were very useful, relevant and accessible for younger children. Laura Hughes has also subsequently shared two free webinars that Positive Eye are running next week – details here.
The Scottish Book Trusts Bookbug programme was mentioned. They provide an app as well as live sessions on social media where families can enjoy songs, stories and rhymes. Vista shared some good practice regarding some inter-generational work they were carrying out where people are encouraged and supported to be part of a Pen Pal scheme. Some practical issues were discussed around assisting families with benefits and as always, fundraising for services was a hot topic!
Participants felt the session was worthwhile and enjoyed hearing from others so we are planning to host a regular CYP going forward. If you would like to join this or have anything to share please email us.
CEO Support Session – 2 June 2020
8 CEO’s joined the weekly CEO session where we talked quite a bit about tech – what we offered before, what we do now and what we might do in the future. We talked about the importance of testing assumptions that are often made about older people in order to shape service delivery. Everyone was in agreement that peer support is important in tech (and most other things) and we talked a bit about the wide-ranging advantages of having visually impaired volunteers assisting with tech service delivery.
We moved on to talk about Charity Log and there was a few generous offers of help, support and advice made and accepted. Requests were made for help and advice with the next steps in relation to furlough and the return to offices – both of which Visionary will follow up on. After some discussion, we have agreed to continue with the weekly sessions – so if you haven’t already tried it out – come along!
Online support sessions – we want your feedback!
Knowing what works for you, what doesn’t and what you’d like to see really helps us ensure our support meets your needs. If you have been on one of our recent online support sessions please take a minute or so to share you feedback with us here and if there is anything you’d like to see in the future then contact us. |