Visionary Latest
Welcome to your weekly briefing. We know that we have been sharing a considerable amount of information over the past few months, including moving this briefing to weekly during the COVID-19 crisis. As we confirmed on Monday, after today, we will be moving back to sending you our in-depth briefing every fortnight.
To supplement this and to ensure that you can be confident you are up to date on support available from Visionary, we will also be sending you a quick Monday email with details of our upcoming sessions for the week along with any other urgent updates that we think might be useful for your organisation.
Support for Visionary Members
Visionary Helpdesk
We can provide immediate advice and support via our Telephone Helpdesk on 020 8090 9264 or email.
Visionary online
Connecting and developing you and your organistions through our programme of regular one-hour support sessions.
We have continued to develop a range of online sessions for this week in response to what you have told us matters to you. We have also taken some time to think about the regular sessions that would be useful for you and are pleased to share that we will now be offering two different types of support:
Sharing and connecting
Regular theme/subject focused groups for you to come together and share experiences, challenges and successes. Upcoming sessions:
Tuesday 16 June – 10am to 11am (and every Tuesday at 10am)
CEO weekly support session
To join, click here or use the dial in details below.
Our regular session for CEOs – no agenda, just an opportunity to share experiences, talk about what is working and find some peer support with what isn’t working so well.
Thursday 18 June – 10am to 11am
Member finance forum
To join, click here or use the dial in details below.
This forum is an opportunity for those interested in the management and oversight of finances and other infrastructure to meet and discuss approaches, challenges and practices in a safe and secure space. Bring specific issues or just join the discussion with colleagues from other Visionary members. If the need ever arises for more specific specialist input then Visionary will assist with this.
Thursday 18 June – 2pm to 3pm
Care home forum
A number of you operate care homes, many of which have been hit hard by COVID-19. Feedback at the first forum held last week was that it is beneficial to meet regularly to share issues with others facing the same challenges and hear about successes they have achieved.
Other groups in development/to be scheduled:
- Children and Young Peoples’ Services
- Small Charities
- Trustees
- Fundraising
If you are interested in joining any of the themed sessions above, please let us know.
Learning and developing
One off sessions to provide you information, updates and practical training on key issues you have told us matter to you.
Thursday 11 June – 10am to 11am
Overcoming obstacles to returning to the workplace post COVID-19 lockdown
As members look at re-opening offices and services with the ease of restrictions, a range of obstacles are presenting themselves. This interactive session, supported by Galloways trustee and Health and Safety expert Carl Harrison, will be a safe confidential space for Visionary members to discuss issues. Please do come with your questions, individual scenarios and barriers and be prepared to share. You can submit queries in advance here or let us know if you’d prefer us to raise issues/queries anonymously on your behalf. This session compliments a previous session held last month. You may also find resources in our COVID-19 Knowledge Hub useful if you are considering re-opening your office and services.
Thursday 11 June at 3.30pm to 4.30pm (Please note date changed from Friday 12 June at 10am)
Cyber and Data Security
To join, click here or use the dial in details below.
With many people now working from home, accessing systems remotely and often using their own devices for work, people are rightly concerned about cyber and data security. This session, led by Roger Burgess of Scoria Tech, will help you identify your key risk areas and what steps you can take to ensure you remain secure and compliant. If you have any specific areas of concern or would like to ensure specific issues are addressed then contact us in advance here. Let us know if you’d prefer us to raise issues/queries anonymously upon your behalf. We will keep you updated guidance and resources we are developing here.
To join any sessions by phone call:
(Toll Free): 0800 169 0432
Access Code: 780-863-517
If you missed any of our previous sessions
CEO Support session – 8 June 2020
7 CEO’s joined the weekly session where we had a really interesting discussion on returning to face to face working and how to do that. We talked about issues specific to those people who need guide communicators, sighted guiding, lip reading and sign language.
PPE came up again and Bob Hughes (Sight for Surrey) offered to share a two page guidance on how to use PPE. It can be found here. Huge thanks to Bob for sharing – and it is ok to copy! Requests were made for help and advice with suppliers of PPE – Visionary is looking into this, so watch out for more information.
Graham Findlay (NESS) talked about the difficulties of sourcing and securing future funding for existing projects which were based around face to face support – when you don’t really know how the projects will look in the future. Mike Jenkins (Camsight) talked about the fundraising opportunities presented by the changes initially made as a result of COVID-19. Something for our fundraising sessions – so watch this space. We discussed a more permanent move to online working, touching on the advantages and disadvantages – both practical and emotional.
Helen Roseblade (Oxeyes) asked for some advice on the tech aspects of working from home and a few members on the session helped out. Another one for Visionary to investigate and maybe organise some training and knowledge sharing. We talked about buildings – will we ever need them in the same way again? Again, watch out for a future session!
The power of Visionary members to help each other is inspirational. Next session is Tuesday 16 June at 10am – please join in!
Member Finance Forum – 5 June 2020
This was our first finance forum and was an opportunity for those involved in the management and oversight of an organisation’s finances to meet and discuss approaches, challenges and practices. We discussed what finance systems people are using, managing ICT infrastructure, financial reporting, finance committees/Board, reserves (restricted, unrestricted and designated), remote audit/independent examination and being an experienced finance professional new to the charity sector/SORP.
Attendees welcomed the opportunity to meet in a safe space with other finance focused colleagues and were keen to establish this as a regular forum which Visionary will facilitate. Please share info with your finance colleagues and do join us at our next session on 18 June.
Member care home forum – 4 June 2020
This was the first meeting of this forum following a request from members. Five members joined the session to talk about issues, ask questions and provide support for each other in a safe environment. We discussed health and safety and PPE – issues of quality, access, availability and cost and disparity between NHS sector provision/standards and the care sector. We also discussed the impact of isolation on residents and managing and supporting staff affected both professional and personally by COVID-19.
We discussed how difficult it is to stay on top of constantly changing guidance and regulations. Members were able to share their various practices; with several learning new practices they would implement. Testing is causing great frustration due to difficulties getting NHS medical professionals to provide treatment. Finally we discussed the CQC and how support from them has been very useful, with a member sharing their CQC COVID-19 emergency support framework.
It was very clear that anyone involved in care home provision had and is continuing to face considerable challenges. All attendees expressed that simply meeting and discussing with others in the same situation was an incredibly useful opportunity so please do join us at our next session on 18 June. |