The UK Covid-19 Inquiry want to hear from Visionary members

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The UK Covid-19 Inquiry are interested in hearing from Visionary members about upcoming in person meetings, conferences or events which they can attend and speak to about about the UK Covid-19 Inquiry – Every Story Matters with blind and partially sighted people you represent.

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry team would be more than happy to:

  • attend a pre-existing event to spread awareness about Every Story Matters (either in person or virtually).
  • hold a “pop up stand” in your venue to raise awareness of Every Story Matters amongst those you represent and answer any questions.
  • hear your ideas on how best they can approach those who you represent.

What is Every Story Matters?

Every Story Matters is the Inquiry’s listening exercise, designed to listen to the UK population’s experiences of the pandemic. Every Story Matters will inform the Inquiry’s work by gathering pandemic experiences which can be brought together and represent the whole of the UK, including those seldom heard. The output of Every Story Matters will be a unique, comprehensive account of the UK population’s experiences of the pandemic, which will feed into the Inquiry as evidence.

Additionally, the UK Covid-19 Inquiry team will be in the following locations in the upcoming months, so please please email the Covid-19 Inquiry’s Engagement Team if you have any events or conferences in these areas (either in person or online):

  • w/c 17th June 2024 – Llandudno and Blackpool
  • w/c 8th July 2024 – Folkestone and Luton
  • w/c 5th August 2024 – Norwich and Ipswich
  • w/c 2nd September 2024 – Inverness and Oban
  • w/c 14th October 2024 – Southampton and Coventry
  • w/c 21st October 2024 – Nottingham and Leicester
  • w/c 3rd February 2025 – Manchester
  • w/c 10th February 2025 – Swansea and Bristol


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