Rainbows, Disruptions and Transformations

Rainbows, Disruptions and Transformations.
Save the dates in your diary: Wednesday 24 – Friday 26 November 2021, where we will be harnessing the positive outcomes of the storm and continuing the momentum of transforming services to support Blind and Partially Sighted People in the new world we live in.
You can read about our amazing Keynotes speakers via this link:
All speakers, workshops and discussions will follow one or more of the three core themes.
Rainbows: We can create positive outcomes from the storm of the pandemic. We will share learning, adaptations and the positive impact which these will have on the future support and services offered to Blind and Partially Sighted People.
Disruptions: We will encourage each other to positively create and evaluate our own disruptions and challenge our own practices. We will, of course, acknowledge the huge disruptions we have all experienced during the pandemic.
Transformations: The sight loss sector faces immense hurdles due to the pandemic. Radical transformations will be required to overcome the challenges and are necessary to keep pace with the economic, social and structural changes we are experiencing if we are to ensure that blind and partially sighted people are not left behind and receive the support required at the time they need it.
We are developing an expanded range of workshops, keynote speakers and discussion forums – further details will be shared through our mailings, social media and website.
In true Visionary style, we will be hosting the annual quiz and awards ceremony. New to the programme for this year, will be opportunities to take time out for your own well-being and self-care.
We will be following the same flexible format as last year, to enable you to create your own conference experience.
In response to member feedback, our aim is that, through offering a virtual conference once again, we are creating the opportunity for you to join workshops, keynote speeches and sector-wide discussions during your busy schedules as you continue to reopen, rebuild, and develop services after the restrictions. With this in mind, this year are offering you the opportunity to pre-book conference places when you renew your Visionary membership – then you know it is all done!
You can reserve your place in a number of ways:
- When you renew your annual membership
- By direct conference bookings here
If you would like to register your interest in our Annual Conference and receive an alert when online booking opens, you can do so via this link.
With the support of our conference partners, we are delighted to be able to only charge a registration fee for this year’s event. This provides access to workshops sessions, speakers, discussions and all the fun across the 3 day event. If you reserve your places before 31 August 2021, the registration fee for Visionary members and partners will be only £15.00 per delegate.
The details:
- Delegate names will be requested in September 2021.
- The early-bird registration fee for Visionary Members and Partners of £15.00 per delegate is available until 31 August 2021, after which a registration fee of £25.00 per delegate will apply.
- If you reserve via your membership renewal, you will receive an invoice in due course for the cost of your pre-booked tickets.
- Registration fees are non-refundable but can be transferred within your own organisation up to and including 1 November 2021.
- Conference Bookings will close in October 2021
- We are also welcoming non-Visionary members to the conference this year – £25.00 per delegate if booked before 31 August 2021 and £35.00 thereafter
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