Professor Shahina Pardhan wins award for Achievements in Education

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Visionary Trustee wins award at the British Asian Women’s Awards 2024

The inaugural British Asian Women’s Awards 2024 was held on 1 June 2024 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Birmingham. The awards recognise Asian women who are excelling in business and professional sectors and are pushing boundaries and breaking barriers!

Shahina wearing an elegant, long, red Asian dress and scarf, holding her award.

Shahina wearing an elegant, long, red Asian dress and scarf, holding her award.

We’re so proud our very own Trustee, Professor Shahina Pardhan, Director of Vision and Eye Research Institute (VERI) at Anglia Ruskin University who won the award for Achievements in Education! Professor Pardhan was appointed as the first female Professor of Optometry in the UK in 2001.

This award follows on from Professor Pardhan’s Spectacle Makers’ Silver medal earlier this year in March 2024 by the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, for her research into the the global visual impact of diabetic retinopathy on eye health and vision and how vision loss affects navigation through environments, and for her continuing work championing equity and diversity in science. You can read the article here – “Professor Shahina Pardhan, Visionary Trustee receives award from the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers” – Visionary.


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