Participants needed for research study on developing university guidance for the socio-emotional needs of students with vision impairment
Published 24 November 2023.

Logos left to right: TPT – Thomas Pocklington Trust, University of Birmingham and Institute for Mental Health.
The research aims to develop university guidance for students with vision impairment.
This is research is funded by Thomas Pocklington Trust and is a collaborative effort among the Institute for Mental Health at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research (VICTAR), Kingston University, University of Edinburgh, Abertay University and Bristol Sensory Support Service. The research is led by Dr Ifigeneia Manitsa, Research Fellow in Youth Mental Health at the Institute for Mental Health at the University of Birmingham.
The project consists of two phases and will run up to August 2024. For Phase 1 (September 2023 – January 2024), we aim to conduct 30 online interviews with:
- adults with vision impairment enrolled in and pursuing a university degree (undergrad, masters, and doctoral students); and/or
- adults with vision impairment who have recently (within the last five years) completed a university degree; as well as
- professionals from national organisations (e.g., consultants and [re]habilitation officers) and university staff (e.g., academics and disability officers) that support students with vision impairment.
All participants will live and/or work in the UK. During the online interviews, participants will discuss their university experiences, their socio-emotional needs and/or the support they provide to university students with VI.
The deadline is 31 January 2023.
For further information, see below two Word document information sheets. If you have any questions, please email Ifigeneia Manitsa.
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