Inclusive Design for Sustainability – Glasgow – 21 and 22 June 2023 – RNIB Scotland

RNIB logo – See differently.
RNIB Scotland are hosting an Inclusive Design for Sustainability Conference on 21 and 22 June 2023 in Glasgow.
This conference is for inclusion specialists, technology professionals and policy makers from across the accessibility and sustainability domains in conversation with the Visual Impairment Sector and people with sight loss.
Our keynote speaker is Axel Leblois from the global G3ict initiative, who will bring a United Nations perspective, and we are also delighted to have Google supporting the conference including a keynote address by Christopher Patnoe, Google’s Head of Accessibility and Disability Inclusion, EMEA and we will also be joined by Professor Pilar Orero, of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
The two-day conference will be a dynamic blend of topics as diverse as they are interconnected. We’ll be talking about people, tech and intersectionality, environment, connectivity, sustainability and wellness, all within the context of blindness and low vision.
Executive leaders from Google, Samsung, Sony, Virgin Media O2 will be joining us alongside academic institutions and SME Technology companies.
To find out more, and how to book a place please go to the RNIB website or for further information please email RNIB.
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