Esme’s Umbrella Patient Day

Esme’s Umbrella logo – For everyone working for the greater awareness of Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Esme’s Umbrella is pleased to announce an information day for all patients, carers and families affected by Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
- Fee: The day is FREE.
- Date: Saturday 2 December 2023, 9am to 5pm
- Location: Manchester Metropolitan University
- Judith Potts (Founder of Esme’s Umbrella)
- Professor Fiona Rowe (University of Liverpool, Professor of Orthoptics – works with patients who develop CBS after brain injury – eg stroke)
- Dr Penelope Stanford (University of Manchester, Senior Lecturer Adult Nursing, Chair Royal College of Nursing Ophthalmic Forum. Judith Potts joins Dr Stanford to train ophthalmic nurses about CBS)
- Dr Lee Jones (Thomas Pocklington Trust Fellow, Bravo Victor. Senior Scientist leading new CBS research)
- Nina Chesworth (Projects and Campaigns Co-ordinates, Visionary. Nina has lived experience of CBS)
Esme’s Umbrella is hugely grateful to Thomas Pocklington Trust, Guide Dogs, Fight for Sight/Vision Foundation and RNIB for sponsoring the event.
Register on Eventbrite here, but there are only 100 places, so be quick!
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