Calling Young Voices to forge local change
Are you a young person, living in the North West or West Midlands, who wants to enable blind and partially sighted people to live the life they want to lead?
Join Thomas Pocklington Trust’s (TPT) new Young Voices Team to make positive change happen in your community to help forge local change in:
- Education opportunities
- Career opportunities into employment and further education
- Social activities
- Mental Health support and confidence building
TPT is piloting Young Voices groups initially in the areas where its Sight Loss Councils (SLC) operate. SLCs advocate the needs and campaign on behalf of blind and partially sighted people in the area.
The groups would meet monthly to discuss the issues blind and partially sighted young people face in the region. This would feed into activity on the ground to forge positive local change.
Volunteering can be a hugely positive experience for young people and one of the best ways to develop confidence and new skills. It will enable you to meet new people in a similar situation to them and gain valuable experience that looks great on a CV or university application.
We are looking for volunteers between 14-18 years old who are blind or partially sighted and want to give their time to achieve a positive future.
Read the Young Voices volunteer role description.
All parents and carers of young people will be sent a Parent Guide outlining the safeguarding measures in place for these groups.
To find out more or discuss this further email the team:
Source: Thomas Pocklington Trust
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