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RNIB Strategy and Transformation – Find out more and explore how we can collaborate

Thursday 7 November 2024
2:00 pm to 3:00pm

Meeting Registration

RNIB has a new 2024 – 2027 strategy and transformation plan, which sets out both the long-term ambitions and medium-term targets, to ensure every person with sight loss can live the life they want to lead, without limits.

Guided by research and insights from blind and partially sighted people, the latest strategy has three key focus areas:

  1. Eye Health and Eye Care,
  2. Skills and Tools for Life, and
  3. Getting Around.

To achieve the goals, RNIB are implementing organisational changes to support with the delivery of the strategy and plan to spend the last 6 months of the year working on a new structure and ways of working.

Join our online session with Dan Fisher, Director of Strategy at RNIB, to find out more about the changes and how local organisations can work more collaboratively with RNIB on Thursday 7 November 2024 from 2 PM to 3 PM.

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