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Rehab Forum – Benefits of Rehab apprenticeships – for decision makers

Tuesday 20 June 2023
10:00 am to 11:00am

Meeting Registration

Our bi-monthly forum for members involved in delivering rehab services.

Please see below for new schedule of upcoming sessions with special guest speakers and note changes to dates/times.

Benefits of Rehab apprenticeships – for decision makers

20 June, 10am to 11am (Note: Date and time changed from 11 July, 9am to 10am)

This session will focus on the benefits of using the apprenticeship scheme to employ and train staff to deliver a rehab function within local organisations.

Following on from our successful session delivered to front line staff, this event is suitable for decision makers and budget holders within organisations. The purpose of the event is to help you decide if this is something you are interested in pursuing.

The session will be delivered by Sarah French, CEO at Vision and Hearing Support who has made good use of the scheme and Andrew Dodgson from Vision Rehabilitation Training who can provide information and support to find out more.


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