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Blind and Partially Sighted Peer Support Forum 2024-2025

Wednesday 5 March 2025
9:00 am to 10:00am

Meeting Registration

This quarterly forum is a space for employees who are blind and partially sighted and whose organisation is part of the Visionary network, to come together to connect and share your experiences, challenges and celebrations with your peers.

The forum is facilitated by Andy Smith of MyVision Oxfordshire and Nina Chesworth of Visionary.

New registration required from 1 April 2024

If you have previously registered for this forum, you will need to register again for this new cohort starting from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Once you have registered for this new cohort, you will be able to join future sessions up until 31 March 2025 using your new registration details.

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