A BBC Radio 4 charity appeal for the Nystagmus Network to be broadcast on Sunday 11 August

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Nystagmus Network logo.

Nystagmus Network logo.

The Nystagmus Network, a registered charity in England and Wales, is delighted to announce that it has been granted a BBC Radio 4 charity appeal.

The appeal will be presented by actor, singer, musician and children’s author, Gerard McDermott.

Gerard sits in a BBC radio recording studio wearing a colourful shirt and smiling for the camera.

Gerard sits in a BBC radio recording studio wearing a colourful shirt and smiling for the camera.

Nystagmus is a serious form of visual impairment, characterised by uncontrollable eye movements. This affects the ability to focus, recognise faces and see the world in three dimensions. People with nystagmus need support at school, in employment and, often, in everyday life, too. There is no effective treatment or cure, currently.

Gerard was born with nystagmus and for many years hid his poor eyesight from others, hiding his glasses at playtime at school and not telling the teachers that he couldn’t see the board or read the textbooks and later enlarging all his scripts on the photocopier. Then he went along to a Nystagmus Network event and for the first time felt he could talk freely about his vision problems. He’s now proud to be an ambassador for the charity and has his own bright blue Nystagmus Network T-shirt!

In the appeal Gerard will talk about his own experience of nystagmus and also that of Jackie, who, unlike Gerard, acquired her nystagmus as an adult having enjoyed 40 years of normal sight until then.

The charity provides support and information, raises awareness of the condition and promotes and funds research into potential treatments. Just as importantly, it provides a forum for people like Gerard and Jackie where they can meet other people living with nystagmus and find comfort in sharing their experiences.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded this opportunity to have a BBC Radio 4 appeal. Many listeners will hear about nystagmus for the very first time and learn about its impact from someone who lives with the condition himself. Fans of radio drama will know Gerard’s voice well, but now they’ll learn something new about the man behind the voice. What better way to raise awareness of nystagmus?”

Sue Ricketts, Information and Development Manager

Every donation to the appeal will help the Nystagmus Network continue to support the children, adults and families living with nystagmus,provide them with the information they need to thrive and make sure they never feel they are the only one.

The appeal will be broadcast on Sunday 11 August at 07.54 and at 21.25 and again on Thursday 15 August at 15.27.

You can watch a video message from Gerard here – A BBC Radio 4 charity appeal – Nystagmus Network – YouTube.


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