Vision UK legacy report
Dear All
When Vision UK closed [in July 2020], the Trustees wanted to ensure that the legacy of Vision UK was captured. The Trustees tasked Thomas Pocklington Trust with developing a brief report, working with Matt Broom as previous CEO, to show the impact of Vision UK over the years and the future work it has inspired. As members of Vision UK until the sad closure at the end of July, we felt you would welcome this report to show how your support and engagement alongside the expertise, energy and drive of the staffing team delivered so much within the sector for blind and partially sighted people and those at risk of sight loss. We also attach some information regarding the newly formed VI Charity Sector Partnership that is mentioned in the report.
We hope this report will provide a continued catalyst for collaborative work within the sector and beyond.
Kind regards
The former Trustees of Vision UK
VI Charity Sector Partnership formation
About the VI Charity Sector Partnership
The aim of this partnership is to provide strategic overview for the planning and implementation of initiatives in the charity sector that will lead to improving the lives of blind and partially sighted people and those at risk of sight loss across the UK. This partnership will build on the legacy of Vision UK. The founding partners include eight of the leading charities in the eye health and sight loss sector: Blind Veterans UK, Glaucoma UK, Guide Dogs, Macular Society, Retina UK, RNIB, Thomas Pocklington Trust and Visionary.
For further information about the VI Charity Sector Partnership please contact either:
Campbell Chalmers, Strategic Engagement Lead for the Third Sector RNIB:
Carl Freeman, Senior Collaboration Manager, Guide Dogs:
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